Writer’s Reflection

Chris Perez

Professor Slentz

ENGL 21007


Reflection on Performance

When it came to this class, Professor Slentz was a very informative and kind professor. I truly learned a lot from her class as well as the students within the class. I loved the manner of teaching she went with, especially when she randomly chose the groups and who worked with them, which allowed me to learn from others and their knowledge of certain tasks and tools. Coming into the class I knew that if my Grammar didn’t improve it would lead my grades to remain stagnant in the 80’s and I was right. Grammar was always something I had difficulty in but even so, I put in as much effort as could, and still very proud of what I accomplished. In the end, I found out what sort of information I am expected to research and attain for my career, and where I need to improve to attain a higher grade in English in general.

This class has impacted the manner I write, in that within professional and informative papers one has to have a professional tone and voice, which I had to improve and I feel that I was able to showcase a professional tone but also one that shows the audience my passion towards the subject I am informing them on. This tone was fairly shown through the presentations we did within the class which allowed me to get more experience in informing my audience. As I spent more time in class, I quickly shifted the goofy and overly first-person tone I have in writing to a more professional tone to cater to audiences who strive to gain more information about the topic.

The Lab report was a first for me especially when it came to writing the sections. This is due to me never having any experience in this type of writing but even so I did well especially with it being the first Lab report I have ever written. This feeling of a new experience kept popping up for the other assignments. As I did my Technical description, I had a hard time choosing what topic to write on, this indecision always popped up in any assignment I started to work on, but every single time I do any type of assignment I choose a topic that best fits me and how I like to write to my audience. This is so that the readers will be able to hear my passion for the subject that I wish to inform them on and it allows me to be able to work on the assignment with 100 percent effort.

All in all, this class truly challenged the way I write especially the tone and perspective I write in for my papers. As the end comes closer, I realize that the class allowed me to gain more experience with scientific papers compared to non-fictional writing or analysis writing I have more experience with. The idea of having to learn about the ideas and sections that go into writing such as Lab Reports or Technical Descriptions was difficult to do especially when others had more experience in certain types of writing which did initially discourage me but as I kept writing about my ideas, I improved and gained the experience I needed to go into my field.